Welcome to the World Research Foundation
Your global source of health information for illnesses and therapies used around the world.
Our health information is collected, categorized and disseminated in an independent and unbiased manner. It includes allopathic medicine alongside complementary and alternative medicine — ancient and traditional techniques and healing therapies as well as the latest medical technology
New to our site? To learn more about who we are and the health information provided by and within our foundation, visit the About WRF page.
Library Research Packets
Save Countless Hours of Research Time!
As a service to our patrons, we continually review the thousands of volumes of health information books in our network, as well as the new articles that come into our library every day, and organize them into health information packets on hundreds of different health topics.
Using these packets can save you many, many hours of browsing through innumerable sources of health information – and your satisfaction is guaranteed!
Click on a letter below to look through our list of health information search packets:
A | B | C | D | E
F | G | H | I | J
K | L | M | N | O
P | Q | R | S | T
U | V | W |
WRF Library
…is a collection of libraries, universities, clinics and research facilities located around the world. The main portion of WRF’s own holdings is located in our two-story library in Sedona, Arizona, USA.
Comprised of over 30,000 volumes, the library features information on all forms of health therapies from cowdung therapy (agni hotra) to chemotherapy. In addition, the library houses a large number of books dealing with philosophical subjects as far back as the 16th century.
To learn more, visit the WRF Library page.
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